History of worldwide web-how it works

Today, wherever you are, anywhere you were living, one thing in your mind is that you want the internet, you know that you search on Google, how it works, with whom it works, the only with the worldwide web. So here we talk about the history and also how the world wide web work evolve.

The worldwide web is the collection of data from the web server through the internet worldwide. The users can access digital data such as Text, Images, Video, E-Books, Audio, etc.

History of the world wide web

Who Invented Worldwide Web

Image Credit: theguardian.com

The worldwide web was first introduced by British scientist Tim Berners Lee in the year 1989. He was working with CERN and had a community of above 1500 scientists from all over the world. Communication with each other is more challenging at that time. The internet is available, but no one knows how to use it properly so that any documents are accessible worldwide.

Later in the year 1990, the first web server was run by the computer Machine as a server. The CPU stores the data and is accessible on the internet. When it was off, they did not access the data. Once a day accidentally forgets to switch off the CPU. After running for a long time, data is accessible anytime on the internet so that results get the idea to access the data anytime on the internet.

The Web Runs For The First Time

The first web runs in the United States for the public in the year 1991. Berners Lee was introduced to many groups and started making a community to build a web. The visual interface was introduced and started developing rapidly. The software was designed that be easy to install and accessible, but the negative point is not user-friendly. It has challenging navigation, which the average user can’t access.
After the craze of the web, many developers start workings with the user-friendly web. Many of them develop a browser on a Windows system like the most popular at that time the Mosaic browser. The Worldwide web becomes a user-friendly browser and starts spreading tremendously across the world.

The worldwide web is Open-Sourced the Internet

The best part of the Worldwide web was that royalty-free which makes the www. an open-source to allows people to access and don’t want to pay any single amount. Ultimately many people started creating a website for online businesses to provide information and other services that need.
Telecom companies started providing internet access in 1994, and people have access to the world wide web available in their homes. The world wide web has around ten thousand servers at that time, and many users are using the services. After establishing the international world wide web consortium (W3c) and later, many countries start to participate in W3c countries like Europe, Japan, and many countries.

The First Search Engine Created

Yahoo launched in the year 1994. Later, Google introduced and became the leading search engine in the world. In 2001, Google was not easy to navigate, and there are many changes and still changes in the search engine.
When you search for any query in Google or another search engine, it looks straightforward to navigate and easily understand things. So Google becomes more advanced for reading, and finding many things online. Google algorithm can easily find the user’s information and can even provide other relevant information that might user interest.

How Worldwide Web Works

Before understanding how it works, first to understand the terms which relate to World wide web

  • Webpage: It is part of the website with multiple pages(pages containing text, audio, video, or any other digital assets) that display in the web browser such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, or other search engines.
  • Website: It is a collection of webpages known by their domain name visible in the web browser.
  • Web server: A machine that store and host a website on the internet.
  • Search Engine: A web server that helps you find many relevant results in search engine pages such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, or other search engines.

When the user inputs any query on a web browser, then the server transfer web pages or information on the search engine page(SEP), and the browser installed on the user’s devices(Computer, smartphone, or other), allows users to view the retrieved information.

Today a lot of people are using a Google search engine, but many people do not know how Google search engine works, so right

How Google Search Engine Works

When you open the browser and type a URL in the address bar or search for something on Google.
How do the results get in Google? What are the things behind it?
The answer is three things behind this. The first is HTML/XML, the second is the Web browser, and the last is HTTP/ HTTPS.


HTML is the hypertext markup language used for creating websites and webpages, and the same as in XML is the eXtensible markup language for creating a website. Mostly now for making websites many of using PHP, Javascript to build a website. Most websites are using PHP and javascript and webpages are simple that makes through HTML or XML language. You also see these web pages that you are reading right now, which are created by combining HTML and PHP containing content such as headings, paragraphs, images, or videos. When you open a browser, you don’t see any HTML or XML codes on the pages. In simple words, HTML or XML is the language for creating the website and webpages to display text, images, video, audio, and other digital assets.

Web browser

A web browser displays data such as information, images, video, news, maps, shopping, books, flight, and many more. When the user searches, it shows related data in the hyperlinked format. When you click, it will redirect to the relevant pages.


HTTP is the protocol that enables www to work quickly and effectively. The protocol defines how the browser’s message to the server transmits and what actions take a web server to the browser. When you open the URL in the browser, an HTTP command sends it to the web server, and it transmits the required webpage. When opening a website using a browser, the web server gets opened, and the browser communicates with the server through HTTPS and sends a request. HTTP is carried over TCP/IP to communicate with the server. The server request and send a response, and the connection is closed. HTTP and HTTPS do have only security differences. HTTPS is more secure as compared to HTTP to transfer information from the server to the browser.

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