9 Ways to Share Links on Instagram

Are you frustrated with the limited ways you can share links on Instagram? Do you want to drive more traffic to your website or blog? If so, then you’re in luck! In this blog post, we’ll show you 9 simple ways to share links on Instagram, even if you don’t have 10,000 followers.

We’ll cover everything from adding links to your bio to using link stickers in your stories. By the end of this post, you’ll know everything you need to do to share links on Instagram like a pro.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

1. Add a Link to Your Bio

Sharing links on Instagram can be a breeze when you take advantage of the bio section on your profile. This section allows you to include one clickable link, giving you a great opportunity to share valuable content with your followers.

Why is this important? Well, imagine you’ve just written an amazing blog post or launched an exciting new product. You want to spread the word and drive traffic to your website or online store, right? That’s where the bio link comes into play.

By regularly updating the link in your bio, you can direct your Instagram audience straight to your latest content. Whether it’s a thought-provoking article, a helpful tutorial, a special offer, or a captivating video, the bio link serves as a gateway to showcase your creations.

Not only does the bio link allow you to share your latest endeavors, but it also helps you maintain a strong connection with your followers. It gives them an easy way to stay updated on what you’re up to and ensures they don’t miss out on any important announcements or releases.

Remember, the key is to be strategic with your bio link. Consider your goals and priorities. Do you want to drive traffic to your website, boost sales, or increase engagement on a specific piece of content? Tailor your bio link accordingly and update it whenever there’s something new and exciting to share.

2. Swipe-Up Feature

Did you know that if you have a business account on Instagram with 10,000 or more followers, you gain access to a cool feature called “swipe-up”? This feature is a game-changer when it comes to sharing links with your audience.

Here’s how it works: When you create a story, you have the option to include a link directly in your story. Instead of just posting a photo or video, you can add a swipe-up link that takes viewers to the content you want to share. It’s like a secret door that leads them straight to the good stuff!

Imagine this: You’ve just launched a brand-new product, and you want your followers to check it out. Instead of telling them to visit your website and search for it, you can simply add the link to your story. When viewers swipe up, they’re instantly taken to the product page, making it super easy for them to explore and make a purchase if they’re interested.

The swipe-up feature is a fantastic way to provide quick access to important information, whether it’s a blog post, a video tutorial, a limited-time offer, or anything else you want to share. It eliminates the hassle of manually typing in URLs or searching for specific content, making the user experience seamless and convenient.

3. IGTV Descriptions

It’s a fantastic feature on Instagram that allows you to share longer videos with your followers. But did you know that you can also use the video description to share links?

When you upload a video to IGTV, you have the option to add a description. This is where you can provide some context about your video and engage with your audience. But that’s not all! You can also include relevant links in the description.

Let’s say you’ve created an amazing tutorial video that showcases your expertise. In the video description, you can add a link to your blog where viewers can find more detailed instructions or additional resources related to the tutorial. It’s like a virtual guidebook that complements your video content!

By including links in your IGTV descriptions, you make it easy for your viewers to access the information or resources you’re mentioning in your video. Whether it’s a link to your website, a blog post, a product page, or any other destination, your audience can simply click on the link and explore it further.

It’s important to ensure that the links you include are relevant to the video content and provide value to your viewers. You want to make it worth their while to visit the provided destination. Think about what additional information or resources would enhance their experience and include those links in the description.

4. Shoppable Posts

When you create a post showcasing your products, you have the option to tag those products directly in the image. By tagging your products, you’re essentially turning your post into a virtual storefront. Pretty cool, right?

When users see your shoppable post, they can tap on the tagged products, and a pop-up will appear with more information about the product, including its price. But that’s not all! They’ll also see a convenient link that directs them straight to your online store.

Once they’re on your store’s website, users can browse through your catalog, explore more products, and easily make a purchase. By eliminating the extra steps of searching for the product on your website, you’re providing a seamless and convenient shopping experience for your potential customers.

To take advantage of this feature, make sure you have an Instagram business account and that you’ve connected it to your Facebook page. This will enable you to access the shoppable posts feature and start tagging your products.

When creating shoppable posts, remember to showcase your products in an engaging and visually appealing way. High-quality images, catchy captions, and clear product descriptions can make a world of difference in capturing your audience’s attention and driving them to click on the tagged products.

Whether you’re selling fashion, home decor, accessories, or any other type of product, shoppable posts can be a game-changer for your online store. So, start tagging your products in your Instagram posts, and watch as your followers turn into happy customers.

5. Link in Captions

Instagram doesn’t allow clickable links in captions, but you can use a simple workaround. In your caption, include a call-to-action that prompts users to click the link in your bio. It’s like a little nudge that guides them to the right place.

When you have a link you want to share, update the link in your bio to the destination you want your followers to visit. It could be a blog post, a new product, a YouTube video, or any other valuable content you want to share.

In your caption, make sure to craft a compelling message that grabs your followers’ attention and entices them to take action. Use persuasive language and be clear about what they can expect by clicking the link in your bio.

For example, if you’re sharing a new blog post, you could say something like, “Exciting news! Check out my latest blog post by clicking the link in my bio. It’s filled with helpful tips and insights you won’t want to miss!”

By including a call-to-action in your caption, you’re encouraging your followers to take that extra step and visit your bio to access the link. It’s a simple but effective way to share valuable content and drive traffic to your desired destination.

Remember, the key is to create captivating captions that spark curiosity, highlight the value of your content, and make it clear why clicking the link is worthwhile. The more compelling your caption, the more likely your followers will be to click that link.

6. Instagram Stories Polls

When creating a story, you can add a poll sticker to ask your followers a question. You can customize the question and provide two response options for them to choose from. The exciting part is that one of those options can be a link!

Let’s say you want to share a link to your latest blog post. You can create a poll with a question related to the blog post topic and add two options—one option could be “Yes” and the other option could be “Check out the blog post.” By adding the link to your blog post as the second option, users who select that option can access the linked content directly.

This feature not only encourages interaction with your audience but also provides a convenient way for them to explore the content you want to share. It’s a win-win situation.

7. Link Shortening Tools

Long URLs can be cumbersome and take up valuable space in your Instagram bio or captions. But fret not! There’s a handy solution to this problem—link-shortening tools like Bitly or TinyURL.

These nifty tools do exactly what their name suggests: they shorten your links. Instead of sharing a long and complex URL, you can use these tools to create a shorter and more manageable link. Here’s how it works:

  1. Copy the URL you want to share.
  2. Visit a link-shortening website like Bitly or TinyURL.
  3. Paste the long URL into the provided field.
  4. Click the “Shorten” or “Generate” button.

In just a few seconds, the tool will generate a shorter version of your link. You can then copy this shortened link and use it in your Instagram bio, captions, or even in the comments.

By using link-shortening tools, you can save precious characters in your captions and make your content more visually appealing. Additionally, shorter links are easier for your followers to remember and type into their web browsers.

But that’s not all—link-shortening tools also offer additional benefits. They often provide analytics that allows you to track the performance of your links. You can see how many clicks your link receives, which can be useful in measuring the effectiveness of your Instagram marketing efforts.

8. Comment with a Link

Instagram doesn’t allow clickable links in comments, but there’s a workaround that can still help you share your links. You can post the link as a comment on your own post or relevant posts.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to the post where you want to share the link.
  2. Tap on the comment section below the post.
  3. Write a comment that includes the link you want to share. For example, “Check out my latest blog post at [insert your link here].”
  4. Post the comment.

Although the link won’t be clickable, users can still see it and copy it if they’re interested. They can then open their web browser, paste the link, and visit the website or content you shared.

It’s important to be mindful when sharing links in comments. Make sure your comment is relevant to the post and adds value to the conversation. Avoid spamming or excessively promoting your links, as it may come across as spammy or intrusive.

9. Collaborations and Influencer Marketing

A powerful way to share your links on Instagram is by collaborating with other users or influencers in your niche. By partnering with them and creating content together, you can tap into their audience and gain more visibility for your links.

Collaborating with influencers and other Instagram users can significantly expand your reach and expose your links to a wider audience. It’s important to choose partners whose values and target audience align with yours to ensure maximum impact.


by utilizing various features and techniques on Instagram, such as the bio link, swipe-up feature, IGTV descriptions, shoppable posts, captions, Stories polls, link-shortening tools, comments, and collaborations, you can overcome the limitations and effectively share links on the platform.

These strategies enable you to drive traffic, engage your audience, and create seamless experiences for users to access valuable content. Implement these methods to optimize your link-sharing capabilities on Instagram and achieve your marketing goals.

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