What Are The Different Google Ad Formats?

Have you ever wondered how ads show up when you search on Google or watch videos on YouTube? Well, let’s dive into the exciting world of Google ad formats and discover the different types of ads you might come across.

Search Ads

Search ads are advertisements that show up at the top or bottom of Google search results. They are made up of text and are designed to be easily understood by users. These ads are displayed when people search for specific keywords or phrases on Google.

When you search for something, let’s say “Best web hosting,” relevant ads related to Best web hosting might appear above or below the search results. These ads are targeted based on the keywords you entered, so they are usually related to what you’re looking for. They can help you find products, services, or websites that match your search query.

Here the Sponsored is the example of Search Ads:

Display Ads

Display ads are visual advertisements that you may come across while browsing websites on the internet.
These ads are part of the Google Display Network and can be seen on various websites, such as news sites, blogs, and entertainment platforms. Unlike text-based search ads, display ads are more visually appealing and can include images, videos, or interactive elements. You might see them as banners, sidebars, or pop-up windows while you’re reading an article or watching a video.
These ads are targeted based on your interests and the content of the website you’re visiting. They are meant to catch your attention and encourage you to click on them to learn more about a product, service, or promotion.

Display Banner Ads on Shitus:

Video ads

Video ads are advertisements that you see while watching videos on platforms like YouTube. They can appear before, during, or after the video you’re watching. Some video ads allow you to skip them after a few seconds, while others are non-skippable and must be watched in their entirety. These ads are typically short and can range from a few seconds to a couple of minutes in length.

Video ads are designed to capture your attention and deliver a message through visual and audio content. They can include a variety of elements like product demonstrations, storytelling, or entertaining content. Sometimes, the video ads may be directly related to the video you’re watching, while other times they may be tailored to your interests and preferences.

The purpose of video ads is to promote products, services, or brands and encourage you to take action, such as visiting a website, making a purchase, or subscribing to a channel. They play a crucial role in supporting content creators and platforms by providing a source of revenue through advertising.

Video ads look like this:

Shopping ADS

Shopping ads are a type of advertisement that online retailers use to showcase their products on Google search results. When you search for a specific product on Google, you may see a dedicated section at the top or side of the search results page displaying images, descriptions, and prices of various products related to your search.

These ads are designed to provide you with a quick glance at the available options and help you compare products visually. Each ad typically includes an image of the product, its title, a brief description, and the price. By clicking on the ad, you can directly access the retailer’s website or online store to learn more or make a purchase.

Shopping ads are highly targeted and based on the keywords you entered in your search. They are a convenient way for online retailers to reach potential customers and showcase their products effectively. These ads make it easier for you to find and compare products from different sellers, ultimately helping you make informed purchasing decisions.

Shopping ads look like this:


App ads are advertisements that are specifically created to promote mobile apps. These ads are designed to be displayed on various platforms, including search results and other mobile apps.

When you search for a specific app or related keywords on platforms like Google or within other mobile apps, you may come across app ads. These ads are typically designed to catch your attention and encourage you to download or interact with a particular mobile app.

App ads can appear in different formats, such as text-based ads or visual ads with images or videos showcasing the app’s features or benefits. They often provide a direct link to the app’s download page on the relevant app store, such as the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

The purpose of app ads is to increase the visibility of mobile apps and attract more users. Developers and app publishers use these ads to reach their target audience and promote their app’s unique selling points. Whether you’re searching for a specific app or browsing within other mobile apps, app ads help you discover new apps and make informed decisions about which ones to download and try out on your mobile device.

APP ads look like this:

Responsive Ads

Responsive ads are special advertisements that have a unique ability to adapt and change how they look to fit different places where ads are shown. They are like chameleons of the advertising world, able to adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit perfectly in any space!
These ads are really clever because they can automatically figure out how to look their best on different devices, such as computers, tablets, and phones. They can make themselves big or small, change their shape, and even tweak their design so that they catch your attention wherever you see them.
The main goal of these ads is to make sure that as many people as possible can easily see them and get interested in what they have to offer. By adapting themselves to the right size and format, they become more visible and engaging, making you more likely to notice and interact with them.
So, the next time you come across an ad, keep in mind that it might be one of these super-flexible responsive ads, designed to grab your attention and provide you with a great advertising experience.

Responsive ads look like this:

Call-Only Ads

Call-only ads are special advertisements made specifically for mobile devices. They are designed to make it super easy for you to call a business directly with just a simple tap on the ad!

When you’re searching on your mobile phone or tablet, you might come across these ads. They usually have a phone number displayed prominently, along with a short message or description. Instead of clicking on a link or visiting a website, you can simply tap on the ad, and your device will automatically dial the phone number for you.

These ads are great for businesses that want to encourage direct phone calls from potential customers. Whether you’re looking for a plumber, a restaurant, or a store, call-only ads allow you to reach out to the business immediately without any extra steps. It’s a quick and convenient way to get in touch and ask questions, make reservations, or get more information about their products or services.

So, the next time you see a call-only ad on your mobile device, remember that you can reach out to the business with just a tap and have a direct conversation without any hassle.

Discovered Ads

Discovery ads are special advertisements that show up in a personalized feed across various Google platforms. They can appear in places like the Google app, YouTube, Gmail, and Discover.
Imagine having a customized stream of content that’s tailored to your interests and preferences. That’s where discovery ads come in. They blend seamlessly with the content you’re already enjoying, such as articles, videos, or emails, providing you with relevant and interesting ads based on your preferences.
These ads are designed to catch your attention and offer you new products, services, or information that you might be interested in. They appear within your personalized feed, so they feel like a natural part of your online experience.
Whether you’re scrolling through the Google app, watching videos on YouTube, checking your emails in Gmail, or exploring the Discover section, discovery ads show up in a way that doesn’t disrupt your browsing. They’re meant to provide you with useful and engaging content that matches your interests and helps you discover new things.
So, keep an eye out for discovery ads as you browse your favorite Google platforms—they might just introduce you to something new and exciting!

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