Should You Invest in Bitcoin

After getting so much research on Bitcoin, we find that Bitcoin is a highly risky and high returning investment. Understand one thing, any investment that has over 50% or more fluctuation in a day is not safe. Investing in something that we cannot influence, then it is the blind trick of not seeing anything that is going to happen. There is a lot of community that distinguishes the accountability of bitcoin. Whoever runs the Bitcoin community or the leading members takes the decisions they buy the cryptocurrency, whatever he wants to pump, after purchasing they give the signal to the people in the community. After the cryptocurrency price goes up, that is unexpected. Not all but most of the cryptocurrency is running by gamblers.

Bitcoin price history

In 2017 and now also everyone wants to invest in bitcoin. But most don’t know the things behind bitcoin. From the year 2010 to 2017, the biggest bitcoin bull came the downwards rises did not get. In the year 2018, the biggest bearish candle forms the price drops from $10000 to $2000 or less in some countries. From the ending of the year 2020, the biggest bitcoin price break took place that is $40000 that was unexpected. The reason behind to increase in the bitcoin price in 2020 is a pandemic corona

Some Famous people about Bitcoin

Bitcoin is almost as bs as fiat money.
One word: Doge

by Elon Musk (founder of Tesla and SpaceX)

You didn’t even need to tell that who Elon Musk is, if you don’t know about Elon musk you can search on YouTube or Google. Elon musk invested in Dogecoin, which is the cryptocurrency.

Avoid Bitcoin ‘like the plague

by Charlie Munger (vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway)

Cryptocurrencies basically have no value, and they don’t produce anything

by Warren Buffett.

The important thing to understand before investing in cryptocurrency

Many investors like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, and many say that bitcoin has no future. Bitcoin can burst anytime in the future; it only requires terrible news.
Conclusion: After getting solid research, we have found it out that no one has to know what happens with bitcoin in the future. This all you know in the future, not in present. If you want to invest in Bitcoin, we suggest you invest only that amount that you can afford to lose.

There are many cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, EOS, and thousands are there, so before investing, research the Crypto world.
We know that technology is complex, and Crypto is a new technology many people don’t know. Some people know, but they don’t know all the information related to Cryptocurrency. That’s why they lose high funds.

In the Crypto, there no customer care support when you stuck your fund.
There is no Address you can reach out to if you lost your funds.
When you invest in a bank that insures your fund under the government but in Crypto, there is no security of your fund when you invest.

Cryptocurrency is highly volatile

Cryptocurrency is highly volatile, so only invest that you can afford to lose. High volatility can give you more profits, which we can’t think. Before investing in Crypto, first, believe that if the whole fund gets Zero, there no worry about that fund. So if you want to get restful sleep as a Crypto investor, you can budget the amount of money that you can afford to lose.

There are many countries where Cryptocurrency is not legal tender in some countries like Bangladesh, Iran, Nepal, India; the government is trying to understand Cryptocurrency’s concept, so they banned the crypto transaction. While in most countries the Cryptocurrency is legal tender, countries are Japan, Cannada, United States, France, Russia. Most of the government institutions are monitoring the Cryptocurrency.

If you are new in Cryptocurrency it will be a bad investment for you if you don’t know basics information about Crypto. Gamblers and speculators are the best candidates for the Crypto market. The famous investors Warren Buffett says, “Cryptocurrency has no value- don’t own and never will.”

Crypto is more volatile and unpredictable than the stock market.
Crypto is open 24/7

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